Can I give my cat his antibiotic early?
Every pet owner knows the feeling of concern that arises when their furry friend falls ill. As a caring pet ...
Why Does My Cat Have A Small Head?
Have you ever looked at your cat and pondered: “Why does my cat have such a small head?” It’s one ...
Can I Put Vaseline On My Cat Bum?
Shopping for a new moisturizer is unnecessary if your kitten has dry skin. Instead, get some Vaseline. But you pause ...
Can Cats Eat Black Beans?
There’s always a lot of confusion about what’s safe to feed cats regarding food. One of them which grabs your ...
What If My Cat Licks Silver Sulfadiazine?
You’re applying silver sulfadiazine cream to a wound and find your curious cat giving it a lick. Panic sets in. ...
Can Cats Eat Mochi?
Your kitty companion gives you those large, googly eyes as you eat a delicious mochi platter on a chilly evening. ...
Can Cats Eat Donuts?
Many cats are attached to their owners and are interested in everything they do, including eating. Donuts are one meal ...
Can Cats Eat Edamame?
Cat feeding is a difficult task. You may have noticed edamame, those bright green soybeans, as a snack for your ...
Can Cats Eat Twizzlers?
As you munch on some of Twizzlers, your cat peeks curiously over the corner. You pause, pondering if it’s okay ...
Can Cats Eat Salt and Vinegar Chips?
In pet ownership, it’s normal to wonder what foods your pet can safely eat. But then a nagging question crosses ...