Can Cats Eat Twizzlers?

As you munch on some of Twizzlers, your cat peeks curiously over the corner. You pause, pondering if it’s okay to share your treat with your pet kitty.

Can cats eat Twizzlers? This question might have crossed your mind.

Well, the response to this query is a little complex, and somehow, no.

Today, we’ll go over the details of the cat diet in this article, including whether Twizzlers are suitable or not.

Let’s get started!

Can Cats Eat Twizzlers?

Twizzlers are not suitable for cats to eat despite the fact that they are naturally curious animals. They may show curiosity about a variety of human foods. The main ingredients of Twizzlers are sugar, artificial flavors, and preservatives.

A cat’s natural diet does not include any of them. Giving your cat Twizzlers may cause upset stomach symptoms. It includes vomiting and diarrhea. More serious health problems in certain instances.

Compared to humans, cats have different dietary requirements. High-quality protein sources, like meat, should make up the majority of their diet in order to meet their nutritional needs.

Giving kids sugary foods, such as Twizzlers, might cause stomach problems and eventually result in obesity or other health issues. Another human snack that cats are usually curious about is tortilla chips. So, should your cat go for them? Read to find out!

Can Cats Eat Twizzlers?

What Is a Twizzler?

Delicious low-fat but high-sugar nibbles are Twizzlers. Most Twizzlers are vegan and kosher but neither soy nor gluten-free.

Twizzlers come in three varieties: the traditional red twisty variety, the black licorice kind, and the fruit-flavored varieties. They are frequently offered in rainbow packs together. Each variety varies somewhat in flavor and texture.

In 1845, the Young and Smylie Confectionery Company started producing Twizzlers. Since acquiring the brand in 1977, Hershey has been producing Twizzlers.

The most common and well-known kind is the classic red strawberry variety. However, you might be surprised to hear that this isn’t the original Twizzler!

Twizzlers were first limited to the flavor of licorice. However, these days, they are also offered in flavors including chocolate, orange cream pop, watermelon, grape, strawberry, blue raspberry, cherry, orange, and lemonade. It even has a “mystery” flavor with a taste of mixed berries.

Is Licorice Good for Cats?

A cat’s suitability for licorice depends on the type of cat and the dosage. A typical natural treatment for a variety of feline ailments is licorice. Glycyrrhizin, a substance found in licorice, has been demonstrated to possess antiviral and anti-inflammatory qualities.

Skin allergies, digestive issues, and respiratory infections are among the ailments it can aid with. Licorice root works as a naturally occurring corticosteroid to relax mucous membranes. For this reason, it can be used to treat respiratory, digestive, and endocrine issues, as well as cats with itchy skin.

Additionally, it is blood-purifying and anti-inflammatory, and licorice root helps arthritis-stricken cats.

Are Ingredients of Twizzlers Bad for Cats?

A Twizzler’s primary components are flavoring, food coloring, corn syrup, and sugar. The chewy texture of the candy comes from the thickening effect of corn syrup. The brilliant color of the candy is created by adding food coloring.

The primary ingredient, sugar, is what gives the candy its sweetness; flavoring is what provides the candy with its distinct flavor. Corn flour, flour, palm oil, glycerin, potassium sorbate, citric acid, and soy lecithin are additional ingredients found in Twizzlers.

Are Ingredients of Twizzlers Bad for Cats?

Side Effects of Feeding Cat Twizzlers?

Twizzlers have little nutritional value. Thus, offering them to a cat is like giving them a useless reward. Furthermore, Twizzlers’ high sugar content might lead to weight gain and other health issues if consumed excessively. Therefore, giving a cat Twizzlers on a regular basis may be harmful to the cat’s health.

The artificial components and high sugar content of Twizzlers may harm a cat’s health. Cats who consume artificial components may experience health issues. These problems include liver disease, and those who consume excessive amounts of sugar may acquire diabetes.

What Sweets Are Most Toxic for Cats?

As you have read, there is absolutely no sugar—of any kind—that is beneficial to your cat. On the other hand, you should always stay away from specific candies because they are poisonous to cats.

●       Caffeine:

Products containing caffeine can have the same effects as those found in chocolate. It’s possible to experience seizures, excitement, panting, stomach distress, tremors, and muscle tremors.

●       Chocolate:

This shouldn’t come as a surprise, given how harmful chocolate is to pets. Consuming chocolate can result in a coma, convulsions, panting, stomach distress, trembling in the muscles, and even death. For our cats, the darker the chocolate consumed, the worse it is.

●       Grapes and raisins:

A cat may become sick or even develop renal disease if they consume a small quantity of grapes or raisins.

●       Artificial sweeteners:

Xylitol is a naturally occurring sweetener that most of us have certainly heard of. It is harmful to dogs, as you may have also heard, but what about cats? Although the poisonous effects on cats don’t seem to be as great as they are in dogs, it’s still best to be safe than sorry and keep it away from your cat.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

1.       Can cats eat Twizzlers?

Although cats can find the sweet aroma of Twizzlers intriguing, these candies are not fit for cat ingestion.

2.       Why are Twizzlers inappropriate for cats?

Twizzlers contain chemicals, including sugar, artificial flavors, and preservatives that are not found in a cat’s regular diet. If ingested frequently, these compounds may promote obesity or digestive issues in cats and may be dangerous to them.

3.       Are there any safe cat treats that can replace Twizzlers?

Indeed! Choose goodies that your cat will enjoy, such as freeze-dried meat, little bits of cooked chicken, or specially-made cat treats that you can get at pet stores.


To put it briefly, the worst that can happen if your cat consumes some of your Twizzlers is a little upset stomach.

Since Twizzlers cannot poison cats, it should be okay if your cat manages to sneak a bite. However, it’s preferable to avoid doing this on a frequent basis.

As cats aren’t able to taste sweets, it’s unlikely that they will desire any, but attempt to keep them away from them anyhow.


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About the author

Zahab Azmat

Being a passionate pet enthusiast, I love sharing my experiences and insights on the joys, challenges, and wonders of pet parenthood. From training tips to diet issues, join me on this personalized journey through the delightful world of furry companions.