Can Cats Eat Quail Eggs?

Being carnivores and predators by nature, cats love meat and anything related to meat. Due to that reason, they also are attracted to eggs and milk (as they are associated with animals).

But what about quail eggs in particular?

Just like chicken eggs, you would love to feed a good amount of quail eggs to your cat. ‘

Have questions in mind related to quail eggs being a part of cat’s diet? Please keep reading the article as we’ll cover the topic thoroughly.

Can You Feed Quail Eggs to Your Cat without Vet’s Permission?


There’s no single doubt that quail eggs are a great food item that can be fed to cats. But you should always first ask your cat’s vet. It’s because felines are extremely sensitive and every cat shows different behavior for different things.

Hence, we can’t claim that your quail eggs will be all right for your cat. So, the best way out here is to visit or at least call your vet as he/she knows about your cat and its body’s behavior.

What are Quail Eggs? (Chicken Eggs vs. Quail Eggs)

Quail eggs are quite smaller in size when compared with chicken eggs but in many aspects, quail eggs are better or worse than chicken eggs. That’s why you must have a look at the table below:

From what we can see from the table, quail eggs are way smaller than chicken eggs in size but are great in nutrition. Although chicken eggs are also always suggested for cats, still, we can still claim that quail eggs are much better.

These are the factors that make quail eggs better than chicken eggs:

  • More calories (energy).
  • Less carbs.
  • Slightly better protein.
  • Extra calcium content

Benefits of Feeding Quail Eggs to Your Cat

You already have a good idea of how quail eggs are much better than many cat snacks. Right?

But there’s still a lot to uncover in the form of detailed health benefits of quail eggs for cats. Here, they are:

More Calcium

Calcium has to be a primary part of feline’s diet just like protein. Some cats get it through milk while others are lactose intolerant. Hence, those cat owner who want to feed extra calcium to their pets usually go for quail eggs as they are a great source of (extra) calcium.

The part of egg in this case is shell. So, if your cat loves munching it, go for it. Otherwise, you can also add a little bit of egg shell while cooking quail egg for your best friend.

Vital Amount of Protein

Due to it being not entirely suitable for cats, quail eggs should not be primary option for protein consumption of cats. But when talking about snacks that are tasty and healthy at the same time, quail eggs come in handy especially in case of protein content.

A Good Source of Choline

Not every food item contains choline, that’s why quail eggs are seen as quite important. Only a very slight amount of choline can help improve nervous system of not just humans but also cats.

Next to No Carbs

Carbohydrate is one of those common nutrients that shouldn’t be added to cat’s diet. That’s one of the reasons why many human snacks are forbidden for cats. Quail eggs end this problem as they have next to no amount of carbs which is great news for you as a cat parent.

Can Cats have Raw Quail Eggs?


No vet in the world will recommend you to feed raw quail eggs to your feline. Not just quail eggs but every other kind of eggs (including chicken eggs) are difficult to digest even for human stomach. As a cat parent, you might already know that cat’s stomach is way more vulnerable than human’s.

Moreover, raw quail eggs contain bacteria that are harmful to cats and can cause mild to severe issues for them.


How much amount of quail egg is ok for my cat?

Once or twice a week should be all right!

Although there’s no specific amount for it, still, you must know that quail egg isn’t a kind of food that should be added to a carnivore’s daily diet.

Can You Feed Hard-boiled Quail Eggs to Your Cats?

Hardboiled eggs are not ideal but cats can ingest them!

Hard-boiled eggs are not as perfect for cats as properly cooked ones but still, there is no harm in going for them. A thing you should know here is that younger cats might get affected by hard-boiled eggs so you must be aware of that.

What’s the best way to feed quail eggs to my cat?

Properly cooked or boiled egg is arguably the perfect way for your cat to consume quail egg. The only trick here is that undercooked/raw and overcooked/hard-boiled are the terms you must be aware of.

To Wrap Things Up…..

Yes, you can feed quail eggs to your cat. Quail eggs are not just permissible for cats but also a great alternative to unsafe snacks (like croissants) that your cat might get attracted to. Protein is what quail eggs contain and that’s exactly what cat’s diet should comprise. This is one of the biggest reasons why vets always encourage pet owners to feed quail eggs to their beloved kitties.



About the author

Zahab Azmat

Being a passionate pet enthusiast, I love sharing my experiences and insights on the joys, challenges, and wonders of pet parenthood. From training tips to diet issues, join me on this personalized journey through the delightful world of furry companions.