Can Cats Eat Tortilla Chips?

You’re in the kitchen fixing tacos when your cat brushes up against you and asks for a snack. You think for a while.

Can cats eat tortilla chips? Is it safe?

Definitely yes! Cats can eat tortillas. Nevertheless, they should make up only a minor portion in limited amounts of diet.

Keep reading to discover if your cat can have corn and flour tortillas or not.

Can Cats Eat Flour Tortilla Chips?

Flour tortilla chips are not a healthy food for cats to eat. They can be eaten once or twice a day, in moderation. They are not harmful to the cat’s health and offer very little nutritional value.

Nutritional Value of Tortilla Chips (28 g)

Furthermore, flour tortilla chips are a poor source of protein and fiber. These two things are necessary for a balanced diet for a cat. A single flour tortilla chip contains less than one gram of protein!

Because of this, it is challenging for your cat to obtain all the vital nutrients it requires from these foods on their own.

The same is true for calcium compared to other food sources like meatloaf or canned tuna fish. They have bones in their composition. On the other hand, flour tortillas have a very low calcium content.

Can Cats Eat Corn Tortillas?

Yes, processed corn can provide a rapid and quickly absorbed energy source. But as cats are carnivores and primarily require protein, it shouldn’t replace any portion of their food.

However, a few chip or corn tortilla nibbles won’t harm your cat. It’s likely that they will appreciate it as a rare treat. However, avoid giving a handful of chips to your little kitty.

You are aware of the fact that high salt intake can cause serious health issues like dementia, coma, and seizures.

The healthiest option is to make your own chips or tortillas as you have total control over the ingredients and salt level.

Reasons Why Cats Should Eat Tortillas In Moderation

Cats can eat tortillas, but consuming too many can be unhealthy for them. Cats shouldn’t be given tortillas in excess for two main reasons.

●     Excess Salt

An average-sized cat needs 21 mg of salt daily. About 150 mg of salt is included in 15 pieces of tortilla chips, which is more than what is needed. If they are given more salt than is necessary, they could have signs of a sodium-ion overdose.

Cell malfunction results from an imbalance in their electrolyte. Keep an eye out for signs of salt poisoning. It includes dehydration or urination, vomiting, nausea, and dizziness.

If you notice any signs of sodium ion poisoning in your cat, take them to the vet as soon as possible and within a day. If your cat is not taken to the clinic promptly, neglect may result in its death. The veterinarian is qualified to balance the electrolyte and give IV fluids.

●     The Presence of Saturated Fat

Tortillas have high levels of saturated fats. Saturated fat raises the body’s cholesterol levels and can cause obesity and heart issues.

Your cat is not bothered by saturated fat. Compared to humans, cats have higher levels of good cholesterol than bad cholesterol. Saturated fat is basically not enough for cats to survive.

Additionally, they need the essential fatty acids—omega-6 and omega-3—in the right proportion (10:1 to 5:1). These are lacking in tortillas and potato chips.

Things To Do When Your Cat Ingests Tortilla

Can felines consume tortillas? Yes, but eating too many tortilla chips might harm your little buddy’s kidneys and other internal organs. It can cause other serious health problems, too.

Here are some actions you can take to make sure your cat is safe and okay if they swallow tortillas:

●       Assess the Situation:

Find out how much tortilla your cat has eaten and whether certain components, like onions, garlic, or spices, may be dangerous. This will assist you in determining how serious the situation is.

●       Monitor for Symptoms:

Watch out for any indications of discomfort or distress in your cat, such as vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, or trouble breathing. Get in touch with your veterinarian immediately if you observe any strange symptoms.

●       Check the Ingredients:

Check if any cat-toxic ingredients, such as onions or garlic, are present in the tortilla. If that happens, speak with your veterinarian to find out what to do next.

●       Contact Your Veterinarian:

See your veterinarian for advice if your cat has consumed a substantial amount of tortilla or if you have any worries about their health. They can offer advice on whether additional therapy is required based on the particular circumstances surrounding your cat.

How Often Can I Give My Cat Snacks?

Knowing how much your cat can comfortably nibble on is useful after we’ve discussed what they can eat.

Treats and snacks should normally only account for 10% of your cat’s daily caloric intake. In other words, if your cat consumes 200 calories a day, any additional food should only total 20 calories. As long as you stay under that limit, it doesn’t matter when or how frequently you distribute them.

Overfeeding causes cats to become obese, which can result in some health problems. Even while watching your cat scamper off for a snack is entertaining, taking advantage of their good health for years ahead is preferable.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

●        What if my cat has some tortilla chips in its sight? I mean, it’ll be all right?

Hold on there! A small bite of tortilla chips won’t necessarily cause your furball to lose their mind. However, these treats aren’t very healthy for them either.

Their low dietary fiber intake may result in constipation, which is not good for them, and excessive salt consumption may also negatively impact their hydration levels.

●        Finally, any advice for pet parents who might be tempted to share their plate?

Keep in mind that what tastes good to people may not be good for animals! When in confusion, keep those tortillas and sushi to yourself. Always be sure human foods are okay to feed your four-legged friends.

●        Can my cat, therefore, eat tortillas as if they want to munch on some chips?

Well, tortillas are primarily carbohydrates and don’t provide your cat with the necessary proteins. It doesn’t contain nutrients to help them maintain strong bones and flex muscles.

Consider this: eating tortillas by cats is similar to surviving on Lay’s chips, but it’s not a good idea.



Give your cat its treat as you enjoy your own. It will be easy to say no to his meows if you know the dangers of eating too many salty tortilla chips.

You shouldn’t be concerned if your cat eats a nibble or two of your tortillas. Unless your cat is fed tortillas regularly, it wouldn’t significantly impact them.

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About the author

Zahab Azmat

Being a passionate pet enthusiast, I love sharing my experiences and insights on the joys, challenges, and wonders of pet parenthood. From training tips to diet issues, join me on this personalized journey through the delightful world of furry companions.